About Us
Hope Attachment Training and Therapeutic Services Ltd is a not for profit organisation working with young people (12+) and their parent/carers which was established by Fiona Sheikh, Therapeutic Attachment Specialist©/Director in 2014.
We believe that young people who have experienced early life trauma need a holistic approach, and therefore we offer support to not only the young person but their family, school and other professionals involved with them, in order to best meet the young person's needs. We endeavour to apply latest evidence based research and practices in all our work.
We believe that one size does not fit all and each family will receive a therapeutic approach which fits with their needs.
What we offer:
Therapeutic Assessments and therapeutic support for young people (12-18 years) who have experienced early life trauma and are presenting with insecure attachment strategies in the home manifesting as difficult, defiant, controlling or avoidant behaviour and a disruption in their relationship with their parent/carers and others. This therapeutic support includes support and inclusion of parents/carers in the sessions.
Therapeutic Parenting Support: Through one to one sessions or our Non Violence Resistance: Keeping Attachment in Mind Therapeutic Parenting Programme.
School Support: Training and Consultations to support school staff with children who are struggling in the classroom.

Therapeutic Attachment Specialist© and Trainer
